Japanese maple

 Acer palmatum

 A highly regarded landscape plant native to Japan, China, and Korea, and noted for having many aesthetically pleasing forms. Weeping as well as upright varieties exist, and the species is well noted for its beautiful deep red color.

This deciduous shrub or tree was cultivated in Japan in the 1800’s and they are popular choices for bonsai enthusiasts and have long been a subject of art.

 The height ranges from 20-33’ and the width ranges from 15-33’.

 Cultivated in Japan since the 1800’s. A Swedish doctor-botanist Carl Peter Thunberg traveled to Japan in the late eighteenth century, he produced drawings of a small tree that would eventually become synonymous with the high art of oriental gardens. he gave it species name palmatum after palm-like shape of its leaves.

 The flowers are produced in small cymes, individual flowers with five red or purple sepals and five whitish petals. The fruit looks like a pair of winged samaras.


Horse Chestnut


Kwanza Cherry